Cosmetic Acupuncture Could Be Your Alternative to Cosmetic Surgery.

“A 1996 report of the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture” reported that among 300 cases treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment. The effects included: The skin becomes delicate, improvement of elasticity of the facial muscles, ruddier complexion and overall rejuvenation.”

Did You Know?

You can take ten to fifteen years off your face without the pain and cost of surgery. A more holistic approach needs only10 to 12 acupuncture treatments to enhance your natural beauty. You may experience fine lines disappearing and deeper lines softening. It may also minimize dark circles, puffy eyes, droopy eyelids, sagging skin and even the dreaded double chin. (See facts on below!)

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Facts About Cosmetic Acupuncture

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Why is Cosmetic Acupuncture better than cosmetic surgery?
How does Cosmetic Acupuncture work?
Why Choose Cosmetic Acupuncture? 
What to Expect from a Treatment of Cosmetic Acupuncture?

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-intrusive means to reduce the affects of aging. It is based on the philosophies of ancient Chinese Medicine. It dates back some 2000 years. Emperors and their concubines often used Cosmetic acupuncture to assure beauty for a lifetime.

Why is Cosmetic Acupuncture better than cosmetic surgery?
Although needles are used, an acupuncture facial rejuvenation is more of a holistic alternative to surgery. Plastic surgery, injections or laser/chemical peels often leave the face looking stretched, burned, puffy or taut. Cosmetic acupuncture leaves the face looking more vibrant.

How does Cosmetic Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture promotes the circulation of Qi (life energy) and Blood in the face and throughout the rest of the body. With this increased circulation the Cosmetic skin moistens and promotes collagen production. It is collagen which promotes the return of muscle tone and elasticity – a natural alternative to eliminating wrinkles. Through the use of acupuncture the body will return to its optimal inner balance thus allowing unwanted wrinkles and blemishes to fade while the color, texture and shape of the face are enhanced. The body requires balance in order to look its best. Acupuncture causes the body to return to that balance. Therefore not only will you look younger you will feel better.

Why Choose Cosmetic Acupuncture?
The anti-aging affects of Cosmetic acupuncture are less expensive, healthier, and safer than modern treatments. It is virtually free of risk and side effects compared to face lift surgery. Surgery often results in numbness, scarring, sometimes atrophy, and most often a lengthy recovery time. With Cosmetic acupuncture no one will even know that you are doing anything. All you will hear is “You look great. You don’t ever seem to age.”

What to Expect from a Treatment of Cosmetic Acupuncture?
A ten (10) treatment protocol is suggested. Ideally two or three treatments a week is necessary to receive the best results. Each treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes. After the initial treatments, monthly maintenance treatments are suggested.