Live Fully — Release the Fears Embrace Inner Faith
It is with joy that I share with you my good news!
I have written AND published a book!
The book is: Live Fully — Release the Fears Embrace Inner Faith.
For years, many people have encouraged me to write down the insights and stories that I have shared in my treatment room and in various classes that I have taught over the years.
And that request has been answered!!
I wrote about how chaos is often caused by letting fear take control of our choices.
The stress from all the chaos inevitably wreaks havoc on our health and well-being. So what is a person to do? The answer is simple (although not always easy).
Embrace a greater sense of inner faith.
And then commit to making better choices when it comes to managing your physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual self.
With a strong sense of inner faith, you can live fully, easily, and comfortably no matter what life hands you.
It will be my honor if you decide to read this book. It is available on Amazon in both a paperback and e-book format.